Thursday, January 5, 2012

Strike Freedom: Proportions of all kits

Looking at the MG Strike Freedom reminds me about why I did not want to buy the 1/144 HG Strike Freedom

Below is the picture of all Strike Freedom model kits (excluding SD since it is intended to be disproportioned)

Best to enlarge it since the thumbnail is so small

From left to right:
1/144 NG
1/144 HG
1/100 NG
1/100 MG
1/60 Lightning Edition
1/60 PG

To take a closer look at these kits...

1/144 NG
Gives a short and stubby feeling, feels like the Strike Freedom is squashed downwards by gravity. Wings are way too short and wide.

1/144 HG
Very similar to the 1/144 NG, short and stubby. However the wings are longer, which makes it look slightly sleeker, though it still looks stubby because of the width of the wings.

1/100 NG
Very similar to the 1/144 HG though the legs are slightly longer. However, the width of the wings still does not help at all

1/100 MG
Sleekest proportions among the kits, definitely 9 head tall superhero proportions... wings are just right, they look sleek and elegant. Gives the impression that the Strike Freedom is fast and agile

1/60 Lightning Edition
Still quite sleek looking however stubbier than the MG. The wings is slightly wider than the MG in terms of proportion, but still looks good.

1/60 PG
Similar proportions to the Lightning Edition, wings are still sleek looking. The design gives it a slightly more muscular look.

If I were to rank the kits according to proportions, it would look like this
1. 1/100 MG
2. 1/60 PG
3. 1/60 Lightning Edition
4. 1/100 NG
5. 1/144 HG
6. 1/144 NG

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